Individual Education Plan

Teachers and administrators prepare an Individual Education Plan, (IEP), annually, for each child, Preschool through eighth grade. This is an essential component in our accountability process, and creates a path we follow to individualize for every child. Parent collaboration is extremely important. We work as a team to plan the best educational experience for each child with individualized academic programs. Specific interests, strengths, and learning styles are incorporated to ensure success, and areas that need to be strengthened are enhanced are identified.

Individual Education Plan at Beacon Country Day SchoolA wide variety of instructional techniques are incorporated. Children are structured for success: instruction is presented in a multi-sensory, eclectic manner. Multiple approaches enable faculty to use strengths to facilitate learning while strengthening weakness. Learning is wonderful, so lively discussions, hands on experiences, field trips, and activities that engage a child’s interests are recommended. Whole group, small group, and cooperative group learning are utilized. Individual research and small group projects provide variety, encourage collaborative projects, and peer interactions. Flexible movement between groupings is useful in providing appropriate instructional levels.

Differentiation in content, activities, and levels of work is offered according to student need and ability. This enables teachers to adapt instruction so it will result in success for an individual child.