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Excellence is demanded of our teachers in order to promote excellence in the children.

We are proud of our exceptional faculty. Our teachers are licensed and experienced, caring, supportive, and dedicated. They foster joyful learning, which is so essential to our learning environment. The faculty is committed to the development of the "whole child" and exhibit an unusually high degree of professionalism and creativity. Many of them have advanced degrees, and many varied areas of expertise.

Excellence is demanded of our teachers in order to promote excellence in the children. Because each teacher creates the emotional climate in the classroom and strives to provide motivation for learning, children's needs are met with success. Carefully crafted lessons and experiences provide the best possible education for each child. The children, faculty, and parents work together as a team to provide a most unique learning experience and to ensure the development of the total child.


Dr. Cynthia WallaceDr. Cynthia Wallace has been our principal for the past 25 years. Dr. Wallace began her educational journey as a speech pathologist, earning a B.A. and an M.A. She has an extensive knowledge of language and learning and ensures both are utilized to facilitate all academic areas. In addition to a Ph.D. in education with an emphasis in School Administration, she also completed course sequences in early childhood education, gifted education, and psychology. Finally, she decided to get her JD from Denver University. Combining her own educational accomplishments with educating many children, she genuinely understands the needs of bright and gifted students, and is committed to optimizing each child's success. Dr. Wallace believes in the program that is implemented in our school and has documented its success. Contact Dr. Wallace

Dr. Tracy RogersEnhancing the administration is our Middle School Principal, Dr. Tracy Rogers who has been at Beacon for the past 25 years. Dr. Tracy, as the children call her, also has an incredible background when it comes to education. She earned a Masters Degree in School Administration and a Doctorate in Curriculum Development. After working at Beacon as a fourth grade teacher, she determined her assets would be best utilized as a mentor and developer of the curriculum. She truly enjoys her work and knows what a difference a good solid education can make. Contact Dr. Tracy

Both Dr. Wallace and Dr. Rogers are invited to speak for numerous Gifted Education Conferences. Both have had works published in educational journals, and are recognized as leaders and advocates of an all-encompassing educational program. Together their vision for the school, impacts our community and other learning communities as well.